In a large population-based survey in the United States, over 40% of females reported sexual concerns and 12% reported distressing symptoms.1
These data reflect sexual problems many women struggle with, including low desire, reduced enjoyment, and other sexual health issues.
Researchers have identified two plant-derived ingredients that can improve multiple aspects of women’s sexual function, including supporting libido.
In clinical trials:
- Fenugreek seed extract improved sexual drive, arousal, and orgasm, and more than doubled the frequency of sexual activity,2 and
- Saffron extract improved sexual function score by 62%, boosting desire, lubrication, and satisfaction.3
This article describes potential solutions to improving female sexual health.
Women’s Sexual Health Challenges
In 2008, a large population-based survey of more than 31,000 women aged 18 and older, showed that nearly half the respondents reported sexual concerns, with low sexual desire being the most common.1
Decline in estrogen during menopause causes thinning of vaginal lining, loss of elasticity and lubrication leading to discomfort, and lack of interest in sexual activities.4
However, sexual dysfunction is not limited to menopausal and post-menopausal women. Younger women also commonly experience issues with desire, arousal, and orgasm difficulties.1
These issues impact women’s quality of life and place significant strain on relationships.5,6
Women’s desire, enjoyment, and satisfaction can be impacted from:4
- Medication use, such as mood-altering prescriptions7,8 and birth control,1,8
- Mood (stress,7,8 anxiety, and depression8,9),
- Hormonal changes (in women of all ages),1,7 including pregnancy, hormonal birth control, perimenopause or menopause,8 and
- Health issues limiting blood flow to those areas where it is crucial for lubrication.4
The Role Hormones Play
Hormone balance modulates female sexual function in multiple ways.7,10 The receptors for estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are present in vaginal tissues.10
- Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, has important effects in females on ovarian function and sexual behavior.7,11 In post-menopausal women it may enhance the effects of low-dose estrogen therapy.7,12
- Estradiol, the main form of estrogen, enhances arousal and lubrication while facilitating the production of neurotransmitters involved in sexual excitement. Decreased estrogen can precede thinning of vaginal tissue and dryness.4,7,10
- Progesterone is commonly associated with a dampening effect on libido, countering the desire-promoting effects of testosterone and estradiol.7
While menopause can change the balance of these hormones, they can shift at any point in a woman’s life, during and after pregnancy, by use of hormonal birth control, and by being perimenopausal, limiting interest in and satisfaction from sex.8
Fortunately, there are ways to support hormonal health and promote healthy female sexual function.
Plant-Derived Solutions for Sexual Function Support and Satisfaction
Optimal sexual function generally includes healthy desire (libido), arousal (physical preparation for sex), and satisfaction (pleasure and orgasm).13
Researchers have identified two plant-derived extracts that promote all these areas of female sexual enjoyment.
Fenugreek seed14-16 and saffron17-20 both have a long history of use in traditional medicine to safely support female gynecological function and health.
Clinical evidence supports that they promote healthy sexual function, including arousal, lubrication, and fulfillment.
Fenugreek Supports Desire and Function
Fenugreek, an herb native to Western Asia and the Mediterranean, has been extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine for enhancing libido and balancing female hormones.14,15
Fenugreek is rich in saponins, a compound that is believed to be responsible for these effects.21,22
In a placebo-controlled clinical trial of 80 healthy women aged 20-49 with low libido, those taking 600 mg of standardized fenugreek seed extract daily for eight weeks had:2
- Improved sexual arousal and orgasm based on the Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire, a commonly used scale for assessing sexual health,
- Increased the frequency of sexual activity from one or two times per month to once per week, and
- Elevated free testosterone levels by 24% and estradiol levels by 66%, promoting female sexual response while leaving other hormones unaffected.
Boost Female Libido and Satisfaction
- Women of all ages can suffer from declining sexual desire or an inability to experience sexual pleasure.
- In a clinical trial, fenugreek seed extract boosted sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm.
- Saffron extract improved total sexual function index scores by 62%, increasing arousal, lubrication, and satisfaction, in another clinical study.
- A blend of these extracts may offer a comprehensive approach to improving women’s libido and sexual satisfaction.
Saffron Enhances Arousal and Satisfaction
In South Asia, the Mediterranean, and ancient Persia, saffron was celebrated for its aphrodisiac properties and commonly used as an ingredient in formulas to enhance libido and promote women’s sexual desire and satisfaction.17,20
In a clinical trial, women (ages 18-55) with low sexual function who took 30 mg of saffron extract daily for six weeks had a:3
- 62% improvement in total Female Sexual Function Index scores compared to baseline, and
- Significant improvements in arousal, lubrication, and satisfaction.
A Combination for Women’s Sexual Health
Fenugreek and saffron extracts work in different ways to promote female sexual function.2,3
Fenugreek helps balance hormones essential for a healthy female sex drive,2 boosting free testosterone to promote sexual desire and increasing estradiol to support arousal.2
Saffron promotes sexual enjoyment,3 enhancing desire, lubrication, and satisfaction while supporting a pleasurable intimate experience.3
Combining these plant extracts may help support healthy sexual desire and satisfaction in women of all ages.
Women of any age can face sexual issues like low desire and decreased satisfaction.
Research has identified two plant-based ingredients that support women’s sexual health.
Fenugreek seed extract enhances arousal and hormone balance, while saffron extract promotes desire and sexual satisfaction.
Combined, these ingredients can offer a comprehensive way to support healthy female libido and support women’s sexual health.
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.
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