Credentialed “experts” claim that people can get their vitamins and other vital nutrients in their diet.
By William Faloon.
Published data continue to validate the favorable impact of the right dietary choices on healthy longevity. Yet many influencers proclaim you can obtain all the nutrients you need from food.
These assertions are often based on studies demonstrating benefits of healthy diets, such as a 2018 publication showing a 25% lower risk of cardiovascular disease in women with the greatest adherence to a Mediterranean diet, compared to the lowest adherence.1
A 2024 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association corroborates this. It showed 23% reduced all-cause mortality in a large group of women with the highest adherence to a Mediterranean diet over a multi-decade period.2
These data sets demonstrate the benefits of ingesting health-promoting foods as opposed to the toxic ones that dominate today's dietary patterns.
This has little relevance, however, to the scarcity of critical nutrients contained even in the best diets.
David Seres, MD, ScM, PNS, is a professor in the Department of Medicine and Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.
When nutrition experts claim people can get their nutrients in a "balanced diet," they appear unaware of how little of these nutrients are contained in foods. They also seem to not fully realize how few Americans ingest the wide variety of nutrient-dense foods they espouse.
We at Life Extension long ago advocated healthy dietary practices but also warned of the strikingly low potencies of nutrients contained in foods.
This editorial quotes those who claim that supplements are unnecessary and reveals the inadequate potencies of nutrients derived from foods.
Eric Schlosser, author of "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal."
The media reports on studies showing the life-shortening impact of ultra-processed foods that now dominate the Standard American Diet (SAD).5
The data sets are consistent, with the most startling study showing that people with the highest intake of ultra-processed foods are 62% more likely to die over a 15-year period as compared to those with a low intake.6
The life-shortening culprits in ultra-processed foods include all kinds of artificial compounds and natural ones like sugars and salt.
Nutritional professionals point out that ultra-processed foods are low in essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, leading to increased risk of chronic diseases.7 These experts state that people can mitigate these risks by eating a healthier, balanced diet.
The problem is that nutrient potencies, even in most healthy foods, do not add up to what many experts believe are needed.
Dr. David Katz is the founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center and an expert in nutrition and preventive medicine.
Vitamin D is the most widely recommended nutrient by physicians due to its multiple roles, including in protecting against age-related pathologies.
The minimal blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to achieve protective effects is 30 ng/mL.10 Levels below 20 ng/mL are considered deficient.
Many experts view 40 to 60 ng/mL of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D as optimal ranges.11 We at Life Extension believe 50-80 ng/mL may confer the greatest benefits.
A randomized controlled trial published in 2022 showed that in people over age 70, supplementing with 2,000 IU/day of vitamin D combined with an omega-3 supplement and modest exercise reduced their risk of invasive cancer by 61%.12
In a 2023 published meta-analysis of three randomized-controlled trials, people supplementing with vitamin D and maintaining a 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of at least 50 ng/mL reduced their absolute three-year risk for diabetes by 18.1% compared to those who had 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels between 20-29 ng/mL.13
To achieve these higher beneficial ranges may require 2,000 to 8,000 International Units (IU) per day of vitamin D. The dose depends on body weight and individual absorption/utilization rates.
One of highest dietary sources is sockeye salmon which provides approximately 570 IU of vitamin D per 3-ounce serving.14
Other commonly consumed dietary sources of vitamin D have lower potencies as follows:15
If a person attempted to ingest even minimum amounts of vitamin D from foods, he or she would have to ingest sockeye salmon each day, plus lots of high-calorie/glucose-spiking foods and beverages, some of which are considered "processed."
Low-cost supplements provide individualized vitamin D doses without unwanted calories. Yet, experts claim humans can get enough vitamin D from a "balanced diet," which mathematically does not make sense.
Marion Nestle is a professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University and a well-known author on food politics and health.
Processed foods are those that have been altered from their natural state for safety reasons or for convenience. This includes processes like milling, pasteurizing, cooking, and canning.24,25
Ultra-processed foods go through multiple stages of processing and often contain additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, artificial colors, and flavors. They are typically ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat and have a long shelf life.24,25
The public is increasingly warned to reduce their intake of processed and ultra-professed foods, yet these toxic food groups continue to be overconsumed.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) plays a crucial role in mitochondrial energy production, but CoQ10 levels decline with normal aging and/or statin drug use.17
Since its introduction to the United States in 1983,18 CoQ10 potencies and absorption qualities have substantially increased. Aging individuals often take 100 mg a day (and higher) of CoQ10 supplements that are formulated to deliver more CoQ10 to the bloodstream.
A clinical study showed that healthy people taking 100-150 mg of CoQ10 daily had reduced fatigue and improved energy levels.19
Clinical studies have also found that those with heart failure taking higher dosages had reduced their cardiac symptoms and lessened major vascular events.20-22
To obtain 113 mg of regular CoQ10 in the diet, a person would have to ingest 2.2 pounds of beef heart every day. Another way of obtaining around 100 mg/day of CoQ10 is to eat around 4.4 pounds of beef liver. Neither of these options makes sense to me.
Other dietary sources of CoQ10 are:23
*Note a kilogram (kg) is 2.2 pounds of food, which is a lot of calories!
I doubt anyone reading this article could come close to ingesting the pounds of food needed to obtain 100 mg of coenzyme Q10.
Can anyone imagine drinking a pound of soybean oil to acquire 100 mg of CoQ10? Soybean oil can be classified as "processed" or "ultra-processed," depending on the extent of industrial processing it undergoes.
Yet, what has become a virtual cliché in the conventional world, supplements are not needed, and it is better to obtain vital nutrients via one’s diet.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that are important for maintaining vision. They may help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.26
The average American ingests 1-2 mg of lutein a day. If the person eats lots of spinach, kale, and collard greens, daily lutein intake can increase to around 10 mg/day, which may confer protective effects.27
Zeaxanthin is contained in lutein-rich foods and different colored vegetables. The average American dietary intake of zeaxanthin is 1 to 3 mg, which is close to what meaningful protective dietary levels may be.28
In the instance of lutein and zeaxanthin, it is possible to obtain enough from dietary sources, provided one can ingest these vegetables virtually every day.
Published studies show that people who regularly consume spinach and collard greens have lower levels of age-related macular degeneration.29,30
A meta-analysis of 46 different studies evaluated the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin from diet or supplements. The findings revealed that an intake of less than 5 mg per day lutein and zeaxanthin was not enough to improve a marker of macular health. However, increments of 5-20 mg per day did result in significant improvements and even greater improvements were observed at a total daily intake of 20 mg or more.31
Meso-zeaxanthin is a carotinoid that makes up about one-third of our macular density.
Unlike lutein and zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin is not typically present in most foods in significant amounts. Instead, it is primarily formed in the retina by the conversion of lutein.
With age, conversion of meso-zeaxanthin from lutein in the retina diminishes, which is why it is included in some eye health supplements that target macular health.
Those who rely on diet alone to maintain macular density may be deficient in the meso-zeaxanthin carotinoid.
Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, an obesity medicine physician-scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
The intake of vitamin K in the typical American diet is estimated to be around 90-120 mcg per day. This is more than sufficient to enable healthy blood coagulation.33
Vitamin K's other effects are maintaining calcium in bone and reducing calcium infiltration into arteries and heart valves.
These beneficial effects require higher vitamin K intake, along with intestinal conversion of vitamin K1 from plants to the more active vitamin K2 (found in natto, cheese, dairy, and meats).34
A randomized-controlled trial found that for people with coronary artery calcification who were taking daily multivitamins, adding 500 mcg of vitamin K1 daily led to a 6% decrease in their three-year coronary disease progression compared to those taking only the multivitamin.33
Vitamin K2 is considered the most active form, and some K1 is converted to K2 in the body.34
Vitamin K2 supplement doses start around 100 mcg/day and increase to 45,000 mcg/day.33
Major sources of vitamin K1 in the diet:11
Major sources of vitamin K2 in the diet:33
If one eats lots of healthy plant foods, they get plenty of vitamin K1. The question is how much K1 gets converted to K2.
Some vitamin K1 is converted to vitamin K2 in the body, but the efficiency of this process is limited. To ensure optimal amounts from dietary sources, it would be important to consume vitamin K1 from vegetables and vitamin K2 from fermented foods or animal products.36
Fermented foods do not comprise a large part of American diets and health-conscious people often seek to reduce intake of animal products.
Vitamin K2 supplements provide an alternative/ addition to dietary sources.
Dr. Matthew Silvis, vice chair of clinical operations for Penn State Health Family and Community Medicine and medical director of primary care sports medicine for Penn State Health.
Taurine is a low-cost amino acid that may be one of the most important anti-aging interventions available today.
A major study published in the journal Science (June 2023) revealed:38
Other studies39,40 show that older people need about 3,000 to 5,000 mg per day of taurine to restore youthful levels, and to attempt to emulate the insights provided by the pro-longevity study published in Science.
The typical American diet, however, provides only 100-180 mg of taurine each day, mostly from meat, eggs, dairy, and seafood.
Those who follow strict plant-based diets (vegetarians/vegans) only obtain about 17 mg of taurine each day.41
In the case of taurine, it is not possible to safely obtain high doses from dietary sources.
It's hard for people to abstain from habitual clichés, even when the math proves the concept incorrect.
As it relates to the quantities of nutrients obtainable from dietary sources, they are often inadequate to meet even minimally recommended daily intake, let alone the optimal levels that published studies indicate help confer healthier longevity.
Until the low potencies of nutrients in foods become more widely understood, even otherwise credible influencers who advocate disease-preventing foods will continue to confuse consumers.
For longer life,
William Faloon, Co-Founder, Life Extension®
Dr. Jade A Cobern, MD, MPH, board-certified physician in pediatrics and general preventive medicine.
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