How Aged Black Garlic Protects the Heart
July 2024 Issue

How Aged Black Garlic Protects the Heart

Aged black garlic contains a compound with cardiovascular benefits. Clinical data show aged black garlic improved cardiovascular markers in just 12 weeks.

By Michael Downey.

Heart disease remains America's leading cause of death.1

Conventional recommendations for improving cardiovascular health include maintaining optimal levels of bloodpressure, cholesterol, glucose, and more.2

A new form of garlic known as aged black garlic has been shown in a recent clinical study to improve these and all other heart disease risk factors measured.3-6

Aged black garlic appears to offer another way to support cardiovascular health.

What is Aged Black Garlic?

Many people are aware of garlic's broad health benefits, but few people have heard of aged black garlic.

Garlic is known for its pungent odor/taste and hence many preparations have been developed to utilize the benefits of garlic and avoid the odor.5

Aged black garlic is formed when fresh, raw garlic is aged at high temperatures, between 140-to-190-degrees F for up to 90 days.4-6

Aging alters garlic substantially. It develops a black color, a chewy texture, loses its pungent odor and flavor, and becomes sweet tasting. This is due, in part, to the reduction of allicin content, after exposure to temperature.5,6 Allicin is a major sulfur compound in fresh garlic.4,6

These changes in addition to garlic's nutritional value, produce antioxidant compounds, including flavonoids and polyphenols.5,7 They also increases the amount of S-allyl-cysteine (SAC),5 the compound in aged black garlic with data supporting improvements in cardiovascular benefits.4-6

The concentration of S-allyl-cysteine (SAC) in raw white garlic is low, but present in high amounts in aged black garlic. After oral ingestion, the beneficial SAC is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.4

Cardiovascular Benefits of SAC

S-allyl-cysteine (SAC) is associated with cardioprotective effects that include:4

  • Inhibiting lipid peroxidation and oxidation of dangerous LDL cholesterol, a crucial step in the development of atherosclerosis,
  • Decreasing the synthesis and absorption of cholesterol,
  • Reducing damaging oxidative stress,
  • Inhibiting activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), a pro-inflammatory protein, in cells lining the blood vessels,
  • Helping prevent the death of cardiac muscle cells, and
  • Enhancing production of hydrogen sulfide, which has a broad array of cardioprotective effects.

To maximize these cardiovascular benefits, scientists developed a patented process for producing an aged black garlic extract, with an even higher concentration of SAC than other forms.

With levels standardized to 0.5%, this superior black garlic extractprovides 2.5 mg of SAC per single dose of a 500 mgtablet.3

In a study published in 2023, a research team tested its cardioprotective effects on human participants.3


The Cardiovascular Benefits of Aged Black Garlic

  • A compound called S-allyl-cysteine (SAC) is known for its powerful cardioprotectiveeffects.
  • Unlike raw, fresh garlic, aged black garlic contains high levels of active, easily absorbable SAC.
  • Scientists have developed an optimized aged black garlic extract that provides an even higher SAC concentration than other extracts.
  • Results from a clinical study published in 2023 show that this aged black garlic extract improved eight critical markers of cardiovascular health. It lowered blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol, fasting blood glucoselevels, triglycerides, and more.
  • These effects may help reduce the risk of heart disease and promote better cardiovascular health.

Clinical Results

For this randomized, placebo-controlled trial, researchers enlisted 56 adults who were considered healthy but with a borderline-degree risk of cardiovascular disease.3

Subjects were given either a placebo or a capsule containing 500 mg of aged black garlic extractproviding 2.5 mg of S-allyl-cysteine once daily.

Within just 12 weeks, eight different markers for cardiovascular risk were dramatically improved:3

  • Serum triglycerides were reduced by 12.3%, compared to 2.5% for placebo,
  • Total cholesterol was lowered by 11.8%, compared to 0.63% for placebo,
  • Protective HDL ("good" cholesterol) was increased by 11.5%, compared to 0.17% for placebo,
  • The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL was reduced by 20.8%, compared to 0.4% for placebo,
  • LDL cholesterol was lowered by 13%, compared to 3% for placebo,
  • Systolic blood pressure (upper reading) decreased by 5.3%, compared to 1.26% for placebo,
  • Diastolic blood pressure (lower reading) reduced by 6.5%, compared to 2.24% for placebo, and
  • Fasting blood glucose was lowered by 10.1%, compared to 1.21% for placebo.

These improvements represent a substantial shift towards improved cardiovascular health and reduced risk for occlusive coronary artery and valvular disorders that so many maturing individuals confront.


Aged black garlic contains high concentrations of a compound called S-allyl-cysteine (SAC), which has been shown to provide potent support for cardiovascular health.

Scientists have developed an aged black garlic extract with an even higher concentration of S-allyl-cysteine content than other extracts, standardized to 0.5%.

A recent clinical trial demonstrated that taking a single daily dose of this optimized aged black garlic extractsignificantly improved eight different markers for cardiovascular health.

If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.


  1. Available at: Accessed April 1, 2024.
  2. Available at: 
  3. Nirvanashetty S. High Potency Aged Garlic Extract reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Healthy Participants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2023 September 20, 2023;6(1).
  4. Rais N, Ved A, Ahmad R, et al. S-Allyl-L-Cysteine — A garlic Bioactive: Physicochemical Nature, Mechanism, Pharmacokinetics, and health promoting activities. Journal of Functional Foods. 2023 2023/08/01/;107:105657.
  5. Ryu JH, Kang D. Physicochemical Properties, Biological Activity, Health Benefits, and General Limitations of Aged Black Garlic: A Review. Molecules. 2017 Jun 1;22(6).
  6. Ahmed T, Wang CK. Black Garlic and Its Bioactive Compounds on Human Health Diseases: A Review. Molecules. 2021 Aug 19;26(16).
  7. Choi IS, Cha HS, Lee YS. Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of black garlic. Molecules. 2014 Oct 20;19(10):16811-23.