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  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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  • Highly Recommended

    98% of our customers recommend us to family and friends. Life Extension is proud to be recognized as the #1 Catalog/Internet Merchant - 5 Time Winner.

  • Complementary, Personalized Guidance

    Medical doctors, nutritionists & other health professionals are passionate about providing personalized solutions to help you achieve optimal health.

  • Efficacious Formulas

    40 years of research dedicated to bringing you
    premium, scientifically-validated formulations.

  • Product Transparency

    99% of our products are manufactured in the U.S., and a
    Certificate of Analysis is available for every product we produce.

Life Extension Magazine

How Many Nutrients are in Your Diet?

Credentialed “experts” claim that people can get their vitamins and other vital nutrients in their diet.

By William Faloon.

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